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Society of Exploration Geophysicists

American Association

of Petroleum Gelogists

an image


  •  Geological and geophysical petroleum consulting services
  •  Specializing in converting and upgrading analog datasets for digital analysis
  •  Focus on data quality control and complete parameter capture 
  •  San Joaquin, Sacramento Valley, LA Basin and Nevada Great Basin experience
  •  Major oil, independent and consulting personnel background
  •  California registered Professional Geologist
  •  California registered Professional Geophysicist
  •  Stand-alone projects or in-house support
  •  Based in Bakersfield, California


Mature Property Review

  • Re-assess for stucture and stratigraphic variation
  • Update existing mapping with new data or concepts
  • Document potential or over-looked behind-pipe pay
  • Redisplay vintage image data with new digital data
  • Refine and update the previous petrophysical analysis

Quantify Original-Oil-in-Place (OOIP)

  • Map reservoir structure/stratigraphy (tops, faults)
  • Determine reservoir criteria (matrix density, porosity)
  • Compute reservoir volumetrics (gross, net, net/gross) 
  • Derive oil/water saturations (calibrate to core)
  • Compute volumetric estimate based on documented parameters


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